How To Merge Tracks In Audacity

how to merge tracks in audacity

how to merge tracks in audacity is one of the most asked questions from users of the free version of the software. You can do this, it is just a matter of knowing the right steps. If you know the steps then you will find that how to merging tracks in Audacity is not as difficult as it may seem at first. You may be wondering what does merging mean, well, when you record an audio file it is recorded as individual sounds. However when you merge those sounds together the computer recognizes them as a single piece and it gives you the option to combine them into one track. This is how to blend tracks in Audacity.

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The first thing you need to do is open your new track in Audacity. Then go to the track selection window and click on New Track. On the menu bar click on Audio Split and on the Select Audio Click button. Now you will see two drop down lists, click on the button called Split and on the left choose Split As. This will open the audio split view, now right click on the file you want to merge with your other files.


If you have saved your tracks as an MP3 or WAV file then you will need to right click on the file and go to Properties. This will open the Audio Options window, select the splits on the left pane and click on All Track in the Track selection window. Your new track will appear in the Audio Options window. Now click on the Audio Split button to apply the newly created splits to the audio track.

How to Merge Tracks in Audacity


If you want to mix the two audio files, then select the play icon, or playhead if it is an audio file. You will be asked to browse through the music if you haven't saved it yet. If you haven't saved your new track, you will need to right click the audio and click "Save As." Once you have saved your track, you can now load it into Audacity. The save menu should appear at the top of the main menu.


Open the Audio Split view by clicking on the little square symbol in the top left corner. It is the little arrow you see when you are in the main session area of Audacity. To open a new split click on the plus sign next to the plus sign on the track name. This will expand into a drop down list. Click on the plus sign to expand it.


Click on the first text box and change the blending mode to Audio Bandpass. You will see that the track has now been transformed into a low-pass filter with a high-pass filter on the other half. The left and right panes have been set up accordingly. Now to add effects to this simple example, you would need to adjust the levels of your speakers so they match the left and right panes.


If you want to make a more complex audio, experiment with the above method. Hold down Control and click on Audio Tool to open the corresponding tab. Use the right and left arrows to move through the available options in the Bandpass tab. You will notice that the track starts to sound fatter as you push the volume slider up.


Experimenting with how to merge tracks in Audacity is easy once you get used to doing it. The first time you try it you may want to keep a copy of your track on another computer. Once you are satisfied with the result, save the track as an audio file and open it up in your favorite music sequencer. If you find that you need a lot of reverb or chorus on your track, use the plugins available in Native Instruments or Pro Tools. You can also use external plug-ins for additional processing on your tracks.

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